Srinagar:In a significant development aimed at enhancing the administration and management of the Jammu & Kashmir Teachers Association (JKTA), Mr. Altaf Hussain Bhat, a dedicated educator from Zone Fatehgarh, Baramulla, has been elevated to the position of District President, JK Teachers Association (JKTA) for District Baramulla, with immediate effect.

This decision comes following a recommendation by the District Body of JKTA in Baramulla and subsequent approval by the Executive Council of JKTA after due consideration of all codal formalities.

Mr. Altaf Hussain Bhat, a seasoned teacher, brings a wealth of experience and dedication to the role. His commitment to the betterment of the education sector in Baramulla District is widely acknowledged, making him a suitable choice for this leadership position within JKTA.

Upon assuming this vital role, Mr. Altaf Hussain Bhat is tasked with overseeing the responsibilities and functions associated with the JK Teachers Association in Baramulla District. This appointment will remain in effect until further orders.This development has been communicated to Mr. Altaf Hussain Bhat, who is expected to take over the charge promptly, demonstrating his dedication to the welfare of the teaching community and the educational sector in the region.

Copies of this order have been sent to the following authorities and departments for information and compliance:Director, School Education Kashmir,Deputy Commissioner, BaramullaPublicity Secretary, JKTAConcerned Official for compliance and Office Record File.This decision reflects the commitment of JKTA to ensuring effective leadership at the district level to further the interests of teachers and education in the region.


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