SDM seals Trust, CWC Sgr asks Orphanage head to produce all missing children before Committee forthwith

Abid Bashir

Srinagar, Nov 10 :

Child Welfare Committee (CWC) Friday said at least 18 children are missing from an orphanage in Srinagar while the SDM Srinagar sealed the Trust for running without registration.

Talking to news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), CWC Srinagar chairperson Dr Khair-un-Nisa said that they had visited the Al-Miskeen Yateem Trust at Nundreshi Colony, Bemina, Srinagar in the past many a times and asked the Trust head to get registered under Juvenile Justice Act (JJA). “The trust had sought one month’s time but even after over a month, the trust head failed to come up with registration. Today, we found 18 children missing from the trust and we don’t know where these kids are,” she said, adding that the Trust was locked and children were missing.

“Today, SDM Srinagar sealed the Trust as it was running illegally,” Dr Nisa said, adding that all the 18 missing children should be produced before the CWC forthwith. “For us, 18 children are missing,” she said—(KNO)


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