At a time when the entire health department is on its toes to prevent the spread of COVID-19, 22 doctors of Goverment Medical College were caught absent from their duties in Anantnag on June 14, (Monday) by the officials of the District Administration headed by ADC Ghulam Hasaan Sheikh, Tehsildar Umer and M.S GMC Iqbal Sofi. (SS)

-9 from Surgery Deptt including 1 HOD, 4 Assistant Professor, 1 Consultant, 3 SR.
-5 from Psychiatric Deptt, 1 Prof/HOD, 1 Associate Prof, 3 SR.
-1 from Radio Diagnosis.
-2 from Anesthesia.
-1 from Ayushman Bharat
-2 from Micro Biology.
-2 from Micro Biology.


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