Tenures of other ULBs of Kashmir to end between October 28 to December 26

Owais Gul

Srinagar, Oct 20 :

The five-year term of Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) is coming to an end on November 05, while the terms of other urban local bodies (ULBs) in Kashmir would end between October 28 to December 26.

Official data available with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) reveals that the five-year tenure of Srinagar Municipal Corporation would end on November 5, 2023 while the terms of other urban local bodies in Kashmir would end between October 28 to December 26.

The end of the tenure of urban local bodies means that the term of all corporators/councilors, including those elected in bye-elections, is also over. The mayors, presidents, vice-presidents, corporators/ councilors of urban local bodies would no longer be entitled to perks, privileges and honorarium.

According to documents, the tenure of municipal committee Kupwara would culminate on November 02 while the terms of Langate and Handwara municipalities would end on November 18.

In North Kashmir’s Baramulla district, the term of elected representatives in Baramulla municipal council ends on November 09, while the five-year term of Sopore municipality culminates on November 04.

The term of four other ULBs-Kunzer, Pattan, Uri and Watergam- also ends on November 04.

As per documents, the term of president, vice -president and councilors of municipal committee Bandipora ends on November 02. The tenure of representatives of Hajin and Sumbal municipalities ends on November 18, 2023.

In Budgam districts, the tenure of all the municipal committees including Budgam, Chadoora, Chrar-e-Sharief, Khan Sahib and Magam ends on November 12.

In South Kashmir’s Anantnag district, the term of municipal council Anantnag and municipal committee Achabal would come to end on October 28 ,while the tenures of representatives in municipal committees including Ashmuqam, Mattan, Pahalgam, Bijbehara and Qazigund ends on November 14.

According to official data, the term of representatives in Dooru-Verinag Municipal committee ends on November 01. In Kokernag, the term is ending on October 31.

The term of elected representatives in Kulgam and Devsar municipal committees is ending on October 29, while in Yaripora, the term is ending on November 04, 2023.

The term of elected representatives in Pampore municipal committee is ending on December 26, while the tenure of Tral municipality is coming to an end on November 29.

The term of lone municipalities in Shopian and Ganderbal districts is coming to an end on October 29 and November 08, respectively—(KNO)


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