21th JUNE, 2021.

Baramulla Police today observed 7th International Yoga Day with the theme “BE WITH YOGA, BE AT HOME” at District Police Lines Baramulla in which officers/ officials of District Police Baramulla and CRPF also participated in the event. The idea behind the observance of the day is to raise awareness among the police personnel with benefits of yoga. The aim to practice yoga is to unite, symbolize the union of body and consciousness.

Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that has its roots in India. The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness around the world, regarding the many benefits of practicing the art. The day is being celebrated since 21 June 2015.
The theme for International Yoga Day 2021 is Yoga for Health – Yoga at Home. According to the United Nations, while social distancing measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic have shut down yoga studios, practitioners have turned to home practice and online resources. The theme highlights that yoga is a powerful tool to deal with stress of uncertainty and isolation and helps maintaining physical well-being.


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