Start open air classes or community classes to suppliment ongoing LMS : CEO Bla to Schools
SNS Kashmir
Srinagar, Jun 22: The government on Tuesday ordered the concerned school authorities of north Kashmir’s Baramulla district to start open air classes or community classes.
The Chief Education Officer (CEO) Baramulla Ghulam Mohammad Lone has said that besides the open air classes, virtual classes shall also be conducted.
“Open air classes shall be a parallel hybrid learning exercise to supplement the existing Learning Management System (LMS) and virtual teaching platforms and in no way shall replace online mode of teaching,” Lone said.
The CEO in a circular said that pursuant upon the instructions conveyed by principal secretary of the department and in light of the instructions conveyed by District Development Commissioner Baramulla regarding the establishment of open Air classes at Community level, he has approved holding of open air classes.
“In compliance to the government order the permission is hereby granted for conducting open air classes to cover the unreached students with the directions to ZEOs to intimate the CEO office regarding the establishment of such community teaching points within three days,” it reads.
Lone said that the successful accomplishment of community classes during last year specifically encompassing underprivileged and nomadic community covered more than 30,000-35,000 students who received academic and support psychological support from 450 community schooling centers established across the district.
He also said that the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) shall be adhered for effective running of the community schooling centers in addition to the guidelines issued by District Disaster management authorities (DDMA).