Traders Federation Baramulla on Tuesday held an important meeting at its office which was presided by president, Er Tariq Ahmad Mughloo, vice president, publicity secretary, joint secretary and treasurer besides executive members of all the Bazar of Baramulla town.

In the meeting participating members expressed deep concern over the frequent power cuts in Baramulla and its adjoining localities. The members said that power department has failed to stick to its own announced schedule instead of six hours, the localities in the town are facing 12 hour power cuts on the daily basis which is unacceptable. The Federation members also expressed concern about non availability of parking slots and areas in the town despite tall claims from administration about the opening of parking slots nothing concrete has been done. The Federation members said the issue of parking is a decade old problem which hasnt been solved. The Federation hoped that both these issues will be taken up on priority. The Federation members also discussed issues related to business community and sought opinion from the members about those issues. At the end President Mughloo thanked all the members and office bearers for attending the meeting.


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