Reyaz Rashid

Baramulla:Children’s Day was celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm by the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) Baramulla in all Child Care Institutions across the district.

The children participated in different fun activities wherein the CWC were equally involved. During the celebration Chairperson Child Welfare committee Baramulla Mr Adv Waseem Hassan highlighted the importance of the day, he added this day recognizes the rights of children and ensures that the personality of the child is developed such way that they become positive contributor’s towards building of the nation

Ms Nazia Nabi, member CWC Baramulla further added that children are great asset of the nation and we must pledge that their dignity, innocence and rights are protected and are given chance of equal participation for better tomorrow. This day also means to create awareness and importance of providing children with a safe and nurturing environment for their physical, mental and emotional development.

Later CWC members Mr Shoiab, Mr Sameer, and Mr Pir Khursheed along with the Superintendent Pareesha (CCI) Ms Ayman encouraged the children with gifts.


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