Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said that Islam has laid great emphasis and clear guide lines on equal rights of women and treating them with respect and dignity.

Addressing the religious gathering at the revered shrine of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani (Dastgeers Sahib) at Khaniyar on the eve of last day of Aishra-e-Rehmat (10th day of Ramazan), which also coincides with the death anniversary of Hazrat Khadija-tul-Kubra (RA), Mirwaiz said it is a matter of serious concern that women are still treated as inferior and shabbily in our society in violation of Islamic teachings. He asked women have to stand up for their rights and their rightful place as given to them by Islam.

Paying rich tributes Hazrat Khadija (R.A) the beloved wife of Prophet of Islam (Pbuh), Mirwaiz said that she is the best model for women of all generations to emulate – a model of empowerment and resilience .The Mother of Believers”, the first to accept the message of Islam delivered to her by the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) himself, she was his true and wise companion . A highly successful businesswoman in a time when few women had such opportunities, Khadija was greatly supportive of the prophets mission, helping in his work, proclaiming his message and fighting opposition to him. It was her encouragement and faith that helped the the prophet believe in his mission and spread Islam. She used her wealth to support the mission, providing financial and emotional support during the most challenging periods of early Islamic preaching.Hazrat Khadija’s life is a shining example of commitment to truth , belief in faith, value of being a supporting partner , compassion and empathy, patience in the face of adversity, generosity, and unwavering support for the righteous causes.

Mirwaz said that It extremely disheartening that while we claim to profess and practice Islam ,we witness instances of domestic violence and the denial of rightful inheritance to women, practices that starkly contradict the essence of Islamic teachings. He said that this has to change , the right to inheritance as per Islamic principles should be adhered to by all , and violence against women at home is unacceptable.


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