The Lieutenant Governor, Shri Manoj Sinha has strongly condemned the terrorist attack in Shopian and Pahalgam. He said that free hand has been given to the security forces to bring the perpetrators to justice. He said J&K Police, Army and Security Forces will hunt down the terrorists and those aiding and abetting them.

Following is the text of Lt Governor’s message:
“I am deeply shocked at the terrorist attack and the brutal killing of former Sarpanch, Aijaz Ahmad Sheikh. He was an exemplary grassroots leader and will be remembered for his selfless service to the people. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends and admirers. We stand in solidarity with the family at this difficult hour. The heinous attack on tourists at Pahalgam is also distressing. I have already instructed the Administrative & Police officials to provide the best possible treatment to the injured couple. Praying for their speedy recovery. The government has given free hand to the J&K Police and Security Forces to crush terrorists and their associates. I have complete faith in the bravery of our personnel and the perpetrators of this attack will be punished soon. Our security forces will also hunt down those elements who are helping the terrorists and trying to disrupt J&K’s developmental journey”.


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