Asks Admin Secretaries To Sensitize HoDs About Importance Of Participatory Planning Process Of Villages
Srinagar, Oct 13 :
After concern by Chief Secretary about “miniscule presence” of major sectors like Agriculture, Women & Child Development, Health & Nutrition, Education, Animal Husbandry, Skill Development in the Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDPs) being implemented in the Panchayats, government on Thursday called for ensuring presence of the concerned officers and officials in the Gram Sabha meetings so that the GPDPs are all encompassing.
In this regard, all the Administrative Secretaries have been asked to sensitize their respective Heads of the Departments about the importance of participatory planning process for overall development of the village.
“The Constitution has empowered the Gram Panchayats (GPs) for planning implementation of various schemes for economic development and social justice. Several initiatives have been taken by the Government of India, as well as State Governments to realize the Constitutional mandate by enabling the GPs to prepare Decentralized participatory plans,” reads a government circular, a copy of which lies with GNS, adding, “Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDPs) are not to be seen as a mere micro-plan but as comprehensive need based development plans for accelerated, multi-pronged growth in the respective Gram Panchayat areas.”
Since there are many programmes and schemes of the Central and the State or UT Governments, aimed at achieving economic development and social justice which are being implemented in Panchayats, the government said that there is a strong need for convergence and collective action.
“The association of the frontline workers of the different Line Departments, implementing different schemes specific to their respective departments, is of prime importance to understand peoples perceptions on problems and getting an idea of the possible solutions,” reads the circular, a copy of which lies with GNS.
“In the scheme of things, the Panchayats have to act as a platform to integrate and converge all these activities for addressing developmental issues effectively,” it said, adding, “The focus of the GPDPs has to be on analysing the developmental gaps in the socio-economic sectors, public service delivery and capturing needs and aspiration of all, especially the vulnerable and marginalized groups.”
While analyzing the GPDPs prepared during the preceding years, it has been observed that only those works which fall within the scope of various schemes run by the Department of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj are refilected in the GPDP plans which is not inconsonance with the Constitutional mandate and the guidelines for preparation of GPDPs issued by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India, in terms of which this Plan has to be all encompassing i.e. cover all the 29 subject/functions listed in the 11th Schedule of the Constitution of India, which stand devolved to the Panchayats, the circular noted.