Injustice with pensioners and reclaiming their rights is the top priority. (Qayoom wani)


In a significant meeting of pensioners representatives were held at civil society forum office Gogjibagh Srinagar , under the leadership of Abdul Qayoom Wani.. All representatives of pensioners agreed that after the demise of the late Sampat Ji, pensioners are facing severe difficulties and hardships. While some colleagues of Sampat Ji are concerned about pensioners’ issues, it is imperative in the current circumstances to establish a strong and organized platform for pensioners, where they can directly engage with the authorities to address their issues without any hesitation. In this regard, a structured platform called jammu kashmir Pensioners United Front(JKPUF )has been formed,Chairman civil society forum and the former employee leader Abdul Qayoom Wani has been nominated as its president through unanimous decision. Additionally, a twenty-member executive committee has been formed in which representatives of jammu ,kashmir and ladakh have been included who can establish central and provincial committees of jammu kashmir Pensioners United Front along with district committees after consultation with the president. At the end of the meeting, President pensioners United front (PUF)Abdul Qayoom Wani asked all the representatives to utilize all efforts , capabilities to strengthen the organization at grassroots level from today onwards, ensuring the welfare of pensioners and addressing their issues promptly, and also play a key role in social matters and social issues to create a better society possible. A decision was made at the end of the meeting to convene a General Council meeting on May 30th, which will finalize future strategies and organizational matters, and a press conference will be held on June 8th in which media will be briefed about the concerns and problems faced by the pensioners of jammu ,kashmir and ladkh besides future course of action of pensioners United front .


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