India is home to the second largest road network in the world with a total road length of approximately 62.1 lakh kilometer. Road accidents continue to remain the leading cause of deaths , disabilities and hospitalization in the country despite concentrated efforts at all levels to contain these. The huge loss of life and attendant economic losses are highly avoidable and require various measures to be adopted for effective mitigation. On the same line Indian Army conducted awareness lecture on road safety in Kupwara public School.
Road safety refers to the methods and measures used to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured. Typical road users include pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and vehicle passengers.

       All the aspects of road safety to include various types of road signs and meaning of each of them, use of zebra crossing, precautions to practice for pedestrians before crossing the road, use of indicators, what to do on turns, meaning of each traffic light colour and various safe practices for pedestrians, motorists and those driving four wheelers and beyond were covered. 

The students and staff of the school found the lecture extremely informative and useful and filled them with motivation to practice all road safety measures in letter and spirit. The lecture was attended by total of 160 students which included both boys and girls.


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