Imran Hassan Lone, BDC Chairman Zaingair, joined the Jammu and Kashmir People’s Conference today. He was welcomed into the party by PC President Sajad Gani Lone and Senior Vice President Abdul Gani Vakil.

While welcoming him into the party, PC senior vice President Abdul Gani Vakil said that Lone’s decision to become a part of the People’s Conference is a testament to the trust he places in our party’s vision and commitment to serving the people of Jammu and Kashmir. As a dedicated and experienced leader, his inclusion will undoubtedly bolster our efforts to address the aspirations and concerns of the people of Zanigair.

“We are confident that Imran Lone will work tirelessly to champion the party’s vision and further strengthen our connection with the people, taking our message of peace, progress, and inclusivity to every corner of Jammu and Kashmir. His years of service as the BDC Chairman demonstrate his unwavering dedication to the welfare of the community, and we believe that he will continue to be a driving force in bringing positive change to the region”, he added.


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