Farmers of Jammu and Kashmir allegedly being threatened and forced to pay last 7 years abolished water tax (Aabiyana) which is sheer injustice: says farmers
Farmers of JK UT threaten Delhi like protests if authoritarian decree is not revoked
Reyaz Rashid
A bigger shocker has rattled pandemic and inflation hit farmers of Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory (erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir state ) as Department of Irrigation and Flood Control has been allegedly forcing farmers to pay Aabiyana ( irrigation water charges) of last seven years after Jammu and Kashmir cabinet abolished the Aabiyana water charges in Budget Cabinet Decision-2015.
Ghulam Mohammad Bhat, a farmer who cultivates paddy on a huge chunk of land alleges that the state government announced abolition of Aabiayana with Budget 2015. This step came as a relief for poor farmers of the State but the Department of Irrigation and Flood Control is forecing us to pay the Aabiayana (water tax) for the last seven years which has shocked all the farmers.
“The concern Patwari and Zailladar are threatening farmers for stern action if they fail to pay the tax which is complete injustice and against law as abolished tax can’t be charged after a long gap of seven years,” he rued.

Another farmer, Fayaz Ahmad Malik, who is president of Fruit Growers and Dealers Association, said that the huge population of Jammu and Kashmir depends upon agriculture as it is the main source of livelihood and main source of income and employment, thus the backbone of the economy in the UT.

“Our 80 percent population sustains agriculture and it contributes an average of 36 percent of domestic product. Area under cultivation is about 24.16 lakh hectares. Agricultural land is cultivated with irrigation water being supplied by lift irrigation schemes via canals, wells, tanks, tube wells and other sources. About 709795 acres of land is irrigated through canals for which the Irrigation Department charges Abiayana (water tax). However in the March 2015 state budget the Government announced abolition of Aabiayana with Budget Cabinet Decision-2015. This step came as a relief for poor farmers of the State who are still dependent on agriculture for all their expenses of day to day life,” he added.
Following the Budget announcement regarding abolition of Aabiayana, Director Finance PHE/ Irrigation and Flood Control Department from J&K Government’s Civil Secretariat writes to the then Chief Engineer Irrigation I&FC Department, Jammu/ Kashmir and RTIC Jammu vide letter No: PW/Hyd/Acctts/B.A/2015-16 dated 15-10-2015 which reads:
“As per Budget Cabinet Decision 2015, Aabiyana has been abolished and it does not pertain to 2015-16 period only, but thereafter too. However, the previous outstanding on this account is to be recovered as there is no mention of abolition/remission of the same in the budget announcement.”
While communication confirms the abolition Aabiyana from 2015 onwards but it also asks for collection of outstanding upto 31-03-2015.

Later, Chief Engineer Irrigation and Flood Control Srinagar while endorsing the order of Director Finance PHE/ Irrigation and Flood Control issued a public notice vide No: 17569-600 dated 14-11-15 which declared, “ From 2015-2016, there would be no Abiayana (water tax ) levied from farmers in future but outstanding Abiyana upto 31-03-2015 is to be realized from farmers.”
The farmers said that waiving off the water tax by the Government was a big relief to the poor farmers but ironically now they are being punished for none of their faults.
“Why did the then government abolish the tax in budget -2015 and made a public announcement which was endorsed by the department also. Now it is a huge amount for a farmer to pay as seven year installments have to be paid in one installment which is an anti- farmers’ move and sheer injustice,” said General Secretary J&K Kissan Tahreek Ghulam Nabi Malik of Ananthnag.
“We will stage strong protests across Jammu and Kashmir if the government won’t abide by the budget announcement of 2015 and no farmer will pay the waived off tax,” said Malik added.
Another farmer and Sarpanch Ghulam Rasool Bhat of Baramulla said that the water from canals is neither supplied regularly no adequately as most of the schemes developed sang in peak season due to which crops got destroyed coupled with low rainfall, hailstorms, untimely heavy rainfall, snowfall and other reasons but no relief is given to farmers and huge water taxes are being demanded from them.
“Where were the authorities of Irrigation and Flood Control all these years? It is not the fault of the farmer who is being pushed to the wall. Government should come clear as was the announcement of a hollow and fake budget decision,” Bhat added.

After gap of five years, while throwing the budget announcement of 2015 regarding abolition of water tax to dogs besides without taking into account the burden farmers have to bear in wake of this authoritarian decree amid covid-19 pandemic , Chief Engineer Irrigation and Flood Control Srinagar Iftiakar Kakroo issues a ‘Circular’ vide No 3048-78 dated 11-08-2020 which states, “
“It has come into the notice of the undersigned that some confusion has been created with regard to collection of Abiana and the Executive Engineer (Cvil) Canal Darogas/ Zilladar Canal are not mobilizing their field staff for collection of Abiana from the peasants/ beneticiaries.”
“The J&K SWRRA categorically cleared vide No: JKSWRRA/2019/T- 44/647-53 Dated: 08/02/2019 that the water usage (Abaina) may be levied as per standard procedure of J&K SWRRA and the authority has not dispensed with the levy of these charges This was communicated to all the sub-ordinate offices of this Directorate vide letter no. 17031-69 dated: 26-03-2019 with the directions that the charges be raised on the basis of rates approved and fixed by the authority for the current financial year alongwith recovery of charges /balance due for the last financial years,” the circular reads.
The circular further reads, “Despite clear directions from JKSWRRA and this Department, the revenue wing in most of the divisions have taken refuge behind the confusion created with regard to Abiana charges. This appears to be a deliberate tactic to avoid bonafide work and has been viewed seriously and tent-amounts to deliberate loss to the state exchequer. It is accordingly directed that the revenue staff will not draw their salaries till they update the DCB statement of the charges due from the beneficiaries from 2015 onwards and also for the current financial year and do not demonstrate that they are making necessary efforts to collect the Abiana both current as well as arrears.”

Following the circular, low rung employees of the department are allegedly harassing poor farmers and threatening them of action against law if they fail to pay the abolished water tax which created panic among the farmers and some of the farmers have paid the tax under pressure.
“We will stage strong protests across Jammu and Kashmir if the government won’t abide by the budget announcement of 2015 and no farmer will pay the waived off tax,” said General Secretary J&K Kissan Tahreek Ghulam Nabi Malik of Ananthnag.
When contacted the then Chief Engineer Irrigation and Flood Control Srinagar Iftiakar Kakroo, he said that the circular was issued as per the communication of J&K SWRRA categorically cleared vide No: JKSWRRA/2019/T- 44/647-53 Dated: 08/02/2019 that the water usage (Abaina) may be levied as per standard procedure of J&K SWRRA and the authority has not dispensed with the levy of these charges.
Chairman JK United Kissan Front Mohinder Singh Kalsa told SNS Kashmir on phone that present regime is acting as tyranny which won’t be tolerated.
“ Suppression against farmers won’t be tolerated as I was in Tahir jail for several months after protests erupted in Delhi. We won’t allow extortion of farmers when the water tax is abolished by cabinet and an announcement is made in budget session 2015 how can a chief engineer or a regulatory authority over rule cabinet,” Mohinder Singh Kala.