The Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party (JKNPP) on Sunday condemned the recent killings of civilians and security personnel in attacks by militants and said the BJP government is responsible for the worsening situation in the union territory.

NPP chairman and former minister Harsh Dev Singh said the fast deteriorating security scenario in J-K has exposed the haughty and supercilious claims of the BJP government at the Centre of having curbed militancy post reorganisation of the erstwhile state.

With the situation in J-K fast reverting to early 1990s, it was most disturbing to find the BJP busy in breaking opposition parties and luring the opposition leaders rather than focusing on Pakistan-sponsored militancy, he said, apparently referring to the joining of National Conference provincial president Devender Singh Rana and his party colleague S S Slathia to the saffron party.

Accusing the BJP government of giving precedence to its political ambitions over its duties and obligations as a responsible dispensation, Singh said, The BJP’s ambitions have lit fires which will take years and years to subside .

With highly ascendant and authoritarian BJP hell-bent to crush and demolish all opposition in J-K, it was using all possible means to silence all voices critical of its policies, the NPP leader alleged.

He claimed the BJP was using all possible means to suppress other political parties and to make their leaders fall in line.

Opposition leaders were being bullied, harassed, threatened, intimidated and persecuted with several lucrative offers also being reportedly made to such leaders for jettisoning their respective parties and joining the BJP. And all this was being shamelessly executed at a time when the J-K UT was passing through the worst phase of ethnic cleansing, selective killings and militancy exported from across the border, Singh said.

He said while the killings of innocents in J-K is being used by the BJP leadership as a mere occasion to condemn Pakistan and promote communal hatred , it has “utterly failed” in fulfilling its grandiloquent promises of restoring peace and normalcy in the troubled union territory.PTI


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