Waris Fayaz

Sopore, Oct 12 :

Heaps of garbage are seen at multiple spots in Sopore town causing inconvenience to people.

“We have approached the administration a number of times for identifying/providing a temporary land where the civic body can collect garbage to move towards the Baramulla site in vain,” said President MC Sopore.

The garbage mounds are sighted along Highway near Krankhshivan Colony and Chinkipora at Bandipora road.

The foul odour emanating from the garbage is causing problems for people, residents told news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO). “We brought up the issue a number of times to the concerned Municipality, however, they gave no hearing to our pleas,” residents said.

They said the Municipal Council Sopore workers and locals could be seen dumping garbage on the roads especially at the Baba Raza Krankhshivan Colony, Shallpora road and Chinkipora points.

President Municipal Council Sopore, Musarat Kar told KNO that lack of a dumping yard is adding to the woes. “We approached administration several times to identify them as land for a temporary dumping so that it could be further moved to Baramulla dumping site for proper disposal, but all in vain”, she said.

“Until and unless there’s no temporary land in Sopore these mini-collection points will be there”, She said.

But Additional DC Sopore SA Raina denied having received any written communication from the Municipal Council for identifying land for the solid waste disposal.

“Let them write to us. We will provide them with land,” he added—(KNO)


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