Qayoom wani demanded special holiday on 17th of September.
Notwithstanding the ignorance towards the proper commencement of religious holidays by the govt. Jammu and Kashmir Civil Society Forum has raised voice over the issue.
In a statement issued here on Monday JKCSF Chairman Abdul Qayoom Wani said that Islamic calender is a lunar calender and the dates are subjected to the appearance of moon on every month, which some times makes us to change the already preset holidays and festivals. Wani said but unfortunately for some time we have been experiencing ignorance on behalf of govt towards this vital issue that govt’s silence on changeable lunar islamic holidays cause frustration and disturb the religious festivity of muslims.
” We experienced it On Eid Ul Fiter 2024 when govt did not change the setting of attendence apps and employees faced a day of absense. Same has been done today on the revered day of Eid-e-Milad un Nabi(SAW) which actually is on September 17 but govt had set on calender and on apps as on Sep 16, there was a logical need to make an announcement for changing the holiday date from 16 to 17 and reset the attendence apps accordingly. But govt did not pay any attention towards it and as such general public especially employees were put into trouble of confusion.” Said Wani
Eid e milad un Nabi (SAW) is a highly revered and sacred day for muslims and they perform special devotion on this day and visit Shrine of Hazrtbal Srinagar and other shrines througout Jand K to perform pilgrimage of sacred “tabrookaat”. Declaring the day a working day is total injustice with the people generally especially the muslim community.
JKCSF has asked the authorities to take the issue for probe as to whu date of holiday was not changed if on govt. Calender it is written that lunar holidays are subjected to appearance of moon.
However, Society has demanded that to let the devotees perform festivity and pilgrimage at ease, govt should consider Sept 17 for a special casual leave for employees atleast and ensure such ignorance not happen again.