Baramulla November, 08:

Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar, Deputy Commissioner of Baramulla, inaugurated 24th, two-day State-level Management Development Programme (MDP) for Doctors, Nursing and other healthcare professionals at the Government Medical College (GMC) Auditorium, Baramulla.

The programme was organized by the Academy of Hospital Administration (AHA), India in collaboration with GMC and Associated Hospital Baramulla, aims to bolster hospital management skills within the healthcare professionals.

Dr. Yashpal Sharma, President AHA, Prof. Dr Ruby Reshi, Principal GMC Baramulla, Prof Dr Iffat Hassan, Principal GMC Handwara, Prof. Dr Farhan Anjum, Principal GMC Anantnag among other dignitaries and healthcare professionals were present in the inaugural ceremony.

During the two-day program, healthcare professionals including doctors, nurses, paramedics and other workers from GMC and other hospitals in the district will receive comprehensive training from AHA experts. This training will focus on skill development, patient-centric behavior, learning improvement, women empowerment among other areas for enhanced patient care in health care facilities.

Prof Dr Ruby Reshi GMC in her welcome adress congratulated the Chief Guest ,Dignitaries and Delegates for being the Part of this two Days State Level MDP at GMC Baramulla.

DC Baramulla Dr. Syed Sehrish,who was the chief guest on the occasion, expressed her gratitude to AHA for hosting this skills training program at GMC. The DC emphasized the profound impact it would have on healthcare professionals in the district, enhancing their ability to carry out their duties with utmost effectiveness.

While acknowledging the crucial role played by healthcare professionals, the DC stressed the significance of regarding their profession not just as a job, but as a dedicated service to humanity.

The DC further emphasized the value of hosting such events and staying receptive to peer learning which not only enriches professionals’ knowledge but also enhances their effectiveness in carrying out their duties.

Dr. Yaspal Sharma while speaking on the occasion highlighted the the significance of AHA imparted trainings and underscored the crucial role that effective management plays in addressing the challenges faced by the healthcare sector, especially in the times of crisis.

Later,Dr. Parvaiz Masoodi, Medical Superintendent Associated Hospital GMC Baramulla , presented vote of thanks on the occasion.


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