Dr Sehrish Re-affirms Government’s Resolve to Provide Accessible Administration in all Remote Areas of Baramulla District

Baramulla, July 26:

In its endeavour to bring Administration to the door steps of the people particularly living in remote areas of the District, the Deputy Commissioner Baramulla, Dr Syed Sehrish Asgar today presided over a day long weekly Block Divas Programme at Dhani Syedhan Uri to listen to the demands of the local people and address their genuine issues.

A large number of people of adjacent areas, DDC Member, Panchayat representatives, besides all concerned officers including Joint Director Planning, M.Yousuf Rather, Sub Divisional Magistrate Uri and other functionaries were present in the block divas programme.

During the programme, the DDC members and the people of the area expressed their gratitude to the Deputy Commissioner for bringing the District Administration at their doorsteps by holding Block Diwas at Dhani Syedhan, a remote area of Uri in Baramulla district.

On the occasion, the PRIs and other prominent stakeholders highlighted their grievances viz availability of potable drinking water, uninterrupted power supply, road connectivity and other matters of vital public significance.

Dr Sehrish Asgar after giving patient hearing to the grievances and demands of the public issued on the spot directions to the concerned officers for their time bound redressal. She assured them that all other genuine demands and issues projected by them will be taken up with concerned authorities on priority.

Addressing the gathering, the Deputy Commissioner said the purpose of holding such grievance redressal Camps is to take appraisal of local issues from the general public especially of the far flung areas and ensure their time bound redressal without visiting the DC Office or other Government Offices.

Meanwhile, the DC urged upon people to play an active part so that inclusive and public oriented projects and schemes are framed in larger public interest.


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