The deadline to leave Saudi Arabia for pilgrims who performed this year’s Hajj is Saturday, 13 August.

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah said the Tawafah companies that provide services to pilgrims abroad must adhere to the pilgrims’ departure schedule.

The companies must also ensure that the travel procedures for the pilgrims who come to Saudi Arabia are completed according to the operational plans that were implemented during the 2022 Hajj season.

The ministry alerted the companies to the importance of facilitating the departure of the last groups of pilgrims.

The ministry indicated that all pilgrims remaining inside the Kingdom must check on their transportation and accommodation details from the companies who organized their trips.

The ministry also noted the importance of having a documented contract for services the pilgrims will receive throughout the Umrah trip, in addition to knowing the details of these services through the organizing companies.


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