JKCSF raises “Attention Calling” move for the stakeholders to deal this issue on humanitarian grounds



Notwithstanding the loss of the education and the deprivation of professional career of hundreds of Kashmiri students studying medicine and engineering in many colleges of Pakistan and standing in a standstill condition for want of ‘NOC’ to travel to Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir Civil Society Forum (JKCSF) has raised an “ Attention Calling” move for the stakeholders to deal this issue on humanitarian grounds to save the career of hundreds of these students most of them being at the climax stage of their career. Abdul Qayoom Wani, Chairman Jammu and Kashmir Civil Society Forum, in a statement said that a delegation of these trouble torn professional students met JKCSF and revealed it the pathetic tale of change in the travelling rules of students who study in Pakistan. Referring to the memorandum of these students, JKCSF said that about 100 students from Jammu and Kashmir who were supposed to travel to Pakistan to join back their medical and engineering courses, in March 2021 were asked for NOC/ Clearance at immigration office to study in Pakistan and these students were not allowed to travel to Pakistan via Wagah border nor were allowed to travel via Dubai , instead the immigration authorities surprisingly asked them to provide NOC from MHRD and MHA respectively, this was unlike other travellers/ citizens to Pakistan.
The statement said that on approaching the MHRD and MHA authorities the students got further disappointed when they did not find any hopes there as they were told that MHRD and MHA had nothing to do with the issuance of any such NOCs to these students/
Since then these students have been wandering from pillar to post for finding the reason and facts afterall why the rules of travelling were changed for students only and more so when there exams are approaching nearer in the respective colleges of Pakistan and they are not able to reach their colleges for what they call the newly emerged deprivation in the way of seeking of education.
JKCSF has expressed a serious concern on the career spoiling of these Kashmiri students for their no sin and has made a keen appeal to the govt to ease out the travelling to Pakistan thus to consider this issue on humanitarian grounds and to keep up its slogan of ‘education for all’.


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