Be focused so that you are able to face every challenge without any fear & difficulty: DGP to trainees

Jammu, December 17:

Director General of Police Jammu and Kashmir Shri Dilbag Singh visited Police Training School, Manigam today where he addressed a trainees’ Darbar.

Accompanied by ADGP Armed, Shri S.J.M Gillani, IGP Kashmir, Shri Vijay Kumar, the DGP was received by the Principal of the Training School Shri Shoket Hussain Shah and other senior officers of the centre and was presented ceremonial Guard on his arrival.

Addressing the trainees, the DGP impressed upon them to fully devote themselves to training, work shoulder to shoulder with fellow trainees, develop a team spirit with the fellow trainees and prepare yourself for duties and future challenges. You must enjoy each moment of training and togetherness as these days would be most memorable in the later professional life ,DGP said while emphasized the advantages of good training at the PTS now. We are in a service which demands ability and courage to work in any given situation”, he added.

The DGP said that the recruit trainees should make best use of all the facilities available in the training institute and learn all the nuisances of policing. He said that they should follow the training curriculum with dedication as in future they would be shouldering the responsibilities with their fellow policemen working already on ground for maintaining peace and tranquility in J&K and a secure environment for its people . He said that training provides an opportunity to the trainees to shape themselves as a confident, well equipped and well mannered police man.

He said that the trainees were lucky for being trained in one among the few training centers which is rich in its natural beauty and this phase of grooming will determine how successful they would be professionally later. He also advised them to prepare themselves to face the difficulties and remain cheerful in all circumstances. He directed the training staff to sensitize the trainees about their role in the field for facing multiple challenges. He advised the trainees to take care of their health and avoid unnecessary use of mobile phones. He advised them to learn to respect each other’s belief.

The DGP paid rich tributes to the Zewan and other martyrs of J&K Police who sacrificed their lives for safeguarding the interests of the country and the people. He said that as a family J&K police would provide all possible support and assistance to the martyrs’ families.


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