Ranks among top 5 districts of the country in NITI AYOG’s Delta Ranking 2021.



In a recent Delta Ranking List 2021, issued by National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog), the District Barmamula has achieved a milestone under Aspirational District Programme by ranking under top 5 districts of the country.

The District has achieved this landmark on the basis of overall performance that lead to the overall improvement of the district.

It is worth to mention that Aspirational districts have been identified by NITI Aayog based upon health and nutrition, education, basic infrastructure, agriculture and water resources, financial inclusion and skill development. District Barmamula in this regard, has achieved 3rd rank among 117 Aspirational districts of the country.

Expressing satisfaction over the ranking, District Development Commissioner Baramulla, Bhupinder Kumar complimented the team of officers who worked with utmost dedication and commitment for achieving the rank under Aspiratonal districts programme.

On the occassion, DDC exhorted upon all the concerned to work with added Zeal and cohesion in order to get a desired achievements for the overall development of Baramulla district.


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