Dozens of government departments owe about Rs 1,000 crore to Power Development Department.

Majority of the government departments are defaulters.

A document of the outstanding balance of the government departments accessed by news agency Kashmir News Trust, reveals that the Irrigation and Flood Control Department owes nearly Rs 415 crore. Similarly, Housing and Urban Development Department owes around Rs 106 crore, while the Health & Medical Education Department and Education owe over Rs 75 and 13 crores, respectively.

The JK Cements owes Rs 18.28 crore to Power Development Department.

The Estates Department which collects rent from those occupying their quarters strictly has also not cleared electricity bills amounting to nearly Rs 5.5 crore.

In the list of defaulter departments, the Agricultural Production Department owes Rs 4.77 crore, Forest Department Rs 6.19 crore, Hospitality and Protocol Department Rs 5.57 crore, Higher Education Department, Rs 5.27 crore, Industries and Commerce Department Rs 11 crore, Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Department Rs 2.53 crore whereas the Animal & Sheep Husbandry Department owes Rs 4.26 crore.

Pollution Control Board, Public Health Engineering Department, National Highway Authority of India, Ministry of Statistics, Indian Meteorological Department, Food Corporation of India, Excise Department, Archeological survey of India and Agriculture Department have cleared all the arrears and there is nothing outstanding against these departments. (KNT)


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