Srinagar, Sep 17 :

Ghulam Hasan Bhat, father of deputy superintendent Humayun Muzamil Bhat, who was martyred in Anantnag encounter, on Sunday expressed gratitude to people for standing with them in this hour of grief. 
In a statement, issued here,Bhat said that losing a loved one in prime of his youth, in unexpected circumstance is a toughest time of ones life.
He said that everyone’s presence in this hour of grief has helped them to get going.
“Having you by our side has helped the family to get much needed solace. Having known that so many of my colleagues in civil & police administration, security forces, friends & relatives, political personalities, media fraternity and people at large from all sections of society have felt our grief & extended sympathy to us. This will give me & my family peace and strength  in future,” he said.
He also said that he and his family wish to extend  sincere gratitude & thanks to all those persons, organisations & institutions from all walks of life who have stood by them in this our of grief.
“We are grateful to one and all who visited us since the fateful day, participated in funeral prayers and Fateh Khawni, conveyed their sympathy on phone and public statements.”
Bhat said, “It is with your love and support we are able to pass through these difficult times of losing a young one at the prime of his age, leaving all of us devastated. I convey my sincere thanks to all of you.”


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