Srinagar, Mar 12 :

Political representatives of various parties in Jammu and Kashmir Wednesday jointly advocated for the synchronization of assembly elections with the Lok Sabha polls as they voiced their concerns and demands during a meeting with the Election Commission team in Srinagar on Tuesday.

As per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Led by Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar, the Election Commission team embarked on a three-day tour to Jammu and Kashmir, commencing their engagements in Srinagar on Tuesday. Amidst a charged atmosphere, representatives from various political parties put forth their demands and expectations regarding the electoral process in the region.

Notably, Nasir Aslam Wani, a representative from the National Conference (NC), articulated the long-standing demand for conducting assembly elections concurrently with the Lok Sabha polls. Wani emphasized the need for democratic participation, highlighting the decade-long hiatus in electing the government. He questioned the rationale behind delaying the electoral process, especially in the context of Prime Minister Modi’s push for ‘one country, one election’, urging equitable treatment for Jammu and Kashmir.

Echoing similar sentiments, another NC leader underscored the urgency of holding assembly elections before the commencement of the Amarnath Yatra, citing security concerns and the imperative of safeguarding democratic rights.

On the other hand, representatives from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) outlined their respective stances on electoral reforms.

RS Pathania, representing the BJP, emphasized the need to enhance voter turnout in Lok Sabha elections and proposed measures to facilitate smoother voting processes.

Additionally, the BJP advocated for the establishment of polling booths in regions with Kashmiri Pandit populations to bolster their electoral participation. “BJP is in favor of holding assembly elections in the state soon. If Lok Sabha and Assembly elections are held simultaneously, BJP will support it,” he said.

PDP representative Ghulam Nabi Lone Hanjura stressed the importance of conducive security conditions for holding assembly elections, expressing hope for their expeditious conduct.

“If the security situation with the Lok Sabha is good, then assembly elections should be held. We only hope that assembly elections should be held as soon as possible,” Hanjura said.

Following the deliberations with political stakeholders, the Election Commission officials are scheduled to conduct comprehensive reviews of the election preparations in collaboration with local authorities. This includes consultations with District Election Officers and Superintendents of Police to assess logistical requirements and security arrangements—(KNO)


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