The batch of Milkmaid which has been declared unsafe includes batch no. 00520451ZA while rest all batches are safe,” she said.


Srinagar, Nov 19 :

The authorities have declared a batch of Nestle Milkmaid as sub-standard and unsafe for use in the Kashmir Valley after its sample was lifted and tested.

Talking to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), deputy commissioner Food Safety Kashmir, Shagoofa Jalal said a particular batch of Nestle Milkmaid has been declared sub-standard and unsafe after its sample was lifted in the month of September.

She said during sampling it was found to be sub-standard and unsafe for use by Food Analyst National Food Laboratory Gaziabad.

“A particular batch has been declared unsafe not all the Nestle Milkmaid products. The batch of Milkmaid which has been declared unsafe includes batch no. 00520451ZA while rest all batches are safe,” she said.

She added people are advised not to use products of this particular batch only and need not to panic as rest of the batches were safe—(KNO)


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