Government on Friday said that ordered conveyance of all e-Services, official websites on one platform—

“Many of the Government Departments / PSUs of the J&K Union Territory have rolled out various Citizen Centric Services (G2C / G2B) which have been developed by Government / private entities and are hosted on different platforms / domains, as a consequence of which, the accessibility and dissemination of information for public good is not rightly channelized,” reads a circular issued here.

Converging of all e-Services and Government websites / portals on one platform i.e., is envisaged to facilitate ease of public outreach and citizen empowerment, it reads.

“Panacea to achieve effective good governance rests with transparent, equitable and accountable service delivery to the citizens from a one stop resource for information.”

Keeping in tradition with best ethos of good governance, the circular said that J&K Government has come up with unified UT portal which shall act as a basket of all Government websites, portals and Citizen Centric Services. Once logged-in on the composite UT portal (, all citizens shall be able to browse multiple websites / portals belonging to the UT Departments along with all the e-services available in the UT of J&K.

“The process of integration & hosting of all the c-Services which have been rolled out by various UT Departments can be done only when these e-Services are identified. Once identified, other relevant issues like environment, space constraints, compatibility and other issues local to hosting on UT Data Centre can be addressed in consultation with all the slake holders,” reads the circular, a copy of which lies with GNS.  

To achieve this milestone of providing all the e-Services under one umbrella / on one platform, it said, all Administrative Secretaries shall issue necessary directions to all concerned for sharing the information regarding the websites / web portals and e-Services which their respective departments have put in public domain with the Information Technology Department which shall facilitate in conveyance of all e-Services and Government websites / portals on one platform i.e., at the earliest.(GNS)


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