“Examination to be held as per schedule”


Srinagar, Apr 05 :

Chairman of Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission B R Sharma on Tuesday said they had given 30-day prior notice to candidates appearing in the combined competitive (Mains) examination in November last year and the examination would be held as per schedule.

In a chat with news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Sharma said there is no truth in the claims made by some quarters that PSC had not given 30-day notice to candidates as mandated under Rule 32.

“We gave 30-day notice to candidates in November last year. We informed them on November 13 through a notice that the examination would be held in the second fortnight of February 2022,” he said.

He said the Mains examination was scheduled to be held from March 10 to 18, but was deferred after some candidates approached J&K High Court.

“Some candidates who didn’t qualify for the Mains examination went to the Court. The Court asked us to consider allowing them to sit in the examination but we filed objections. The Court didn’t pronounce its verdict till March 09.  So, we decided to postpone the examination till the Court decides on the matter. On April 01, the Court dismissed the petition and imposed a penalty of Rs 50000 on petitioners,” he said.

Sharma said the examination would be held as per schedule announced by the PSC. The PSC is scheduled to hold the Mains examination from April 8 to 17—(KNO)


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