Today on 20-11-2021 Saturday *Human Aid Society* held its *General Council Meeting* regarding which information was circulated before a week via official what’s app group.
Most of the members were physically present . The meeting was presided over by Chairman of the organisation while Genral Secretary Mr Naseer Ahmad Rather started the same by recitation of holy verses of Quran, followed by condolence to the two General Council Members Mohammad Sultan Bhat and Riyaz Ahmad Sheikh on the sad demise of their close relatives.
Agenda of the meeting was briefed to the General Council Members and other associates of the organisation regarding the recent success of getting FCRA funding, workdone till date and future course of action.
Chairman Human Aid Society gave detailed information regarding the organisational matters and work done till date.
In the meeting following points were discussed and accordingly decisions were taken .
It was decided that Human Aid Society will continue its educational mission forward. Due Covid-19 schools were not functioning properly it brought halt to the process of educational activities. This year organization will add 20 more students to its existing quota.
Charity work will be executed on organisation’s own (local funding).
It was decided that in the Action plan of the FCRA project Organization will add programs like Skill Development
(a) ,Bee keeping,
(b) Mushroom Cultivation,
(c ) Poultry
(d) Sheep rearing, (e) Food processing,
(f) Scholarship for Higher studies.
During the meeting It was unanimously decided that dropouts of the Human Aid Society sponsors will be given preference in such skills development programmes.
The members also decided that Organisation will adopt 2 villages each one in District Baramulla and Pounch and will upgrade the same into a model village so that the work of organization will flourish and will be recognised greatly.
In this regard a centrally located Village will be identified in Kindi, Baba Reshi, Rafiabad and uri area with 2km radius having adjoining villages having all kind of accessibility In the area.
Under FCRA project in Poonch Human Aid Society will collaborate with some local NGOs of that area and in that regard the Chairman HAS has already started its process during his recent jammu visit and has assigned the task of those NGOs and asked them to submit their written Action plan repot to Human Aid Society within a week time.
Website of the
organisation will be available soon and chairman asked the Procurement Committee for taken their necessary steps in procuring the important tools/items for startup the FCRA project and in this regard and a meeting of Procurement committee is scheduled on coming Wednesday at HAS head office .
Skill development training etc will be taken under VTCRC (one single roof).
All the above points will be taken under consideration fully so that a full fledged project is devised for approval.
In view of the meeting the new guidelines of FCRA and devising the project (Action plan) in best form and keeping all the conditions in view and to look after the Poonch program organization will move its Camp office to Jammu temporarily for almost three months by this move burden of to and fro will be reduced.
In the meeting Besides Charmain and Secratary the Executive Members present in the meeting were:
Vice Chairman PZ Irshad Ah , Ghulam Ud Din Wani, Mohammad Yousuf Khan. The General Council members present in the meeting were: Farooq Ahmad Kakroo, Ghulam Mohammad Sofi, Ghulam Mohuidin Ganayi, Er Farooq Peer Farooq Riyaz Ahmad War, Mohammad Ramzan Khan, Shabir Ahmad, Sajad Ahmad Rather ,Rafiya Rasheed , Riyaz Ahmad Sheikh, Shamsudin Lone .
The meeting concluded with positive compassion and the members who were not present in the meeting conveyed the Chairman HAS telephonically that they agree with all the decisions taken in the meeting.