Mohammed Haris


In a brazen display of disregard for public property, the Municipal Committee Uri finds itself embroiled in controversy following the illegal demolition of a lavatory block within the confines of the Sub-District Court Uri.

The startling revelation surfaced through a letter penned by the Executive Officer of the Municipal Committee Uri, addressed to the Sub Divisional Magistrate Uri, outlining the illicit destruction of the lavatory block and the subsequent erection of ten sheds by unidentified perpetrators.

Constructed in 2016 at the request of the then Hon’ble Sub Judge, the lavatory block stood as a vital amenity for the court premises, catering to the needs of visitors and court officials alike. However, recent reports have unveiled a grim reality – the lavatory block, erected at a cost of Rs. 3.02 lakhs, has been reduced to rubble without the necessary approvals.

The revelation came to light during a routine inspection conducted by the sanitary supervisor on March 3, 2024. The report confirmed the unfortunate demolition of the lavatory block by unidentified individuals. This blatant act of vandalism has sparked outrage among local authorities and the community at large.

In response to this flagrant act of vandalism, the Municipal Committee Uri has swiftly called upon the Sub Divisional Magistrate to launch a thorough investigation into the matter. The letter implores authorities to pursue legal action against those found culpable for the demolition, stressing the imperative of upholding the rule of law and safeguarding public assets from such blatant transgressions.

As the investigation unfolds, all eyes remain fixed on the unfolding developments within the Sub-District Court Uri. The incident serves as a sobering reminder of the fragility of public infrastructure and the pressing need to hold accountable those who flout the law for their own gain.

In the midst of this controversy, the Municipal Committee Uri stands resolute in its commitment to preserving public assets and ensuring that justice prevails, even in the face of adversity.

As the investigation unfolds, authorities are expected to delve deeper into the circumstances surrounding the demolition and subsequent construction of sheds within the court premises. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of safeguarding public assets and holding accountable those who disregard the law.


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