Srinagar, Mar 29 :

The general public has been informed by the authorities at Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, about a temporary disruption in the supply of iodine-131, a vital radioisotope extensively utilized in medical procedures, particularly in Nuclear Medicine.

“The general public is informed that there will be no supply of iodine -131 ( Radio Isotopes) for the 1st week of April 2024 as has been communicated by BRIT Mumbai due to issues with their generators and hence erratic availability of Iodine-131 in the country. As such Iodine -131 based scans done at Nuclear Medicine cannot be undertaken. We request people to cooperate and the inconvenience is regretted.. ”The Medical Superintendent of SKIMS has released a public notice, urging cooperation and expressing regret for any inconvenience caused, reported Srinagar based news agency Kashmir Dot Com.

An expert said “The unavailability of iodine-131 poses substantial challenges to healthcare facilities, particularly those heavily reliant on Nuclear Medicine for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Patients requiring iodine-131 scans for thyroid disorders, cancer treatment, and other medical conditions may encounter delays in their treatment plans, he said, adding that additionally, healthcare providers are compelled to explore alternative diagnostic avenues to ensure uninterrupted patient care.

This temporary interruption underscores the necessity of robust contingency planning and collaborative efforts within the healthcare sector. While endeavors are ongoing to mitigate the impact on patients and medical services, public cooperation remains crucial during this challenging period, an official said, adding that healthcare institutions are steadfast in their commitment to delivering quality care and promptly resolving the supply issue to resume normal operations. KDC


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