The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) under Accelerated Recruitment Drive today notified revised merit list of candidates for district, divisional and Union Territory cadre posts of Class IV advertised vide advertisement notification number 01 of 2020 dated 26.06.2020.

According to a communiqué issued here by JKSSB in this regard, the revised merit list of eligible candidates for Class-IV posts has been prepared after document verification of shortlisted candidates particularly relating to reserved categories and parameters laid down for assigning additional weightage which included no government employee in the family, casual/contractual workers and widows, divorced women, judicially separated women and orphan girls as much as determination of eligibility with reference to qualification prescribed in the recruitment rules for Class-IV posts and the Judgement rendered by the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) in the case titled N.K. Tripathi and 19 others vs State and others.

The communiqué further mentioned that the General Administration Department vide number GAD/Mtg/RB-IV/50/2020 dated 22.06.2020, forwarded the indent for making recruitment to 8575 posts relating to various departments in accordance with the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Appointment to Class IV (Special Recruitment) Rules, 2020 notified vide S.O.184 of 04-06-2020 read with S.O 193 dated 17-06-2020. The JKSSB vide advertisement notification number 01 of 2020 dated 26.06.2020, issued advertisement for aforesaid 8575 District/ Divisional/Union Territory Cadre posts of Class–IV in various departments.

Subsequently, the JKSSB conducted OMR based objective type Written Test Examination for aforesaid Class-IV posts (Different Departments), in three batches on 27th, 28th February, 2021 and 01st March 2021.

The allocation of cadres and departments in this respect is underway and shall be notified shortly.

Further, the shortlist in respect of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) candidates shall be issued separately once the clarification with regard to inconsistency in government order number 59- JK(SWD) of 2021 dated 15.04.2021 is received.


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