Reyaz Rashid

Pattan: In order to encourage and acknowledge people from cross section of society who worked hard with dedication and honesty in their respective domains, the prestigious Infotel-2023 awards were bestowed upon individuals from diverse backgrounds who displayed unwavering commitment and integrity in their respective fields an impressive award ceremony organized by ‘Kashmir Tehalka’ News Group at North End Hospital Tapper Pattan in north Kashmir’s Baramulla on Wednesday.

Esteemed individuals from various sectors, including renowned radio and television artists, theater and drama performers, singers, doctors, teachers, health experts, and journalists, were honored with the Infotel awards for their outstanding contributions to society.

The event was graced by the presence of former MLA and Spokesman of Apni Party, Yawar Mir, as the chief guest, with Dr. Syed Faheem (JKAS) SDM Pattan serving as the guest of honor. Reema Khateeb, Assistant Drug Controller, and Abdul Gaffar Wani, the father of the renowned radiologist Dr. Farooq Ahmad Wani, were special guests at the ceremony.

Yawar Dilwar Mir, in his role as the chief guest, emphasized the importance of mutual support and collaborative efforts for a brighter future. Dr. Syed Faheem praised the commendable dedication and commitment demonstrated by the awardees in their respective fields.

Renowned writer and poet Fayaz Tilgami expressed profound admiration and heartfelt acknowledgment for the significant contributions of the esteemed radiologist, Dr. Farooq, the visionary behind North End Hospital. Dr. Farooq played a pivotal role in delivering exceptional services, particularly during a crucial period when the noted poet was grappling with a brain tumor.

Tilgami commended Dr. Farooq’s unwavering dedication and exemplary medical care, highlighting the invaluable support provided during the challenging time of the poet’s health struggle.

Shahid Imran, the editor-in-chief of Kashmir Crown, welcomed the distinguished guests and underscored the significance of entrepreneurship. The entire awards ceremony was skillfully conducted by Zahoor Ragi, a prominent writer and broadcaster from the valley, who captivated the audience with literary experiences and emphasized the pivotal role of media in the contemporary world.

North End Hospital, under the leadership of the renowned radiologist Dr. Farooq Ahmad, generously hosted the Infotel Award-2023 ceremony, providing a fitting venue for the recognition of outstanding individuals.

The driving force behind this award ceremony was articulated by Mohammed Latief Bhat, the Editor-in-Chief of Kashmir Tehalka, Bureau Chief of KNS, and Manager of Infotel, who stated, “The sole aim of organizing this award ceremony was to encourage and acknowledge dedicated personalities from various cross-sections of society, including radio/television artists, doctors, teachers, media persons, and others who have contributed to the betterment of society as a whole in their respective fields.”

Adding to the festive atmosphere, cultural artists and singers graced the occasion, presenting a captivating array of Kashmiri folk performances that thoroughly entertained the audience. The Infotel-2023 awards ceremony thus stood as a testament to the collective achievements and positive impact created by individuals across different spheres of society.


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