Locals of Kupwara came together with Indian Army to celebrate Swarnim Vijay Diwas, commemorating 50 year of India’s victory over Pakistan in 1972 War.



The historic victory of Indian Armed Forces over Pakistan in 1971 War is a unique and unparalleled feat wherein Indian Armed Forces fought selflessly for a just and noble cause of liberation of people of erstwhile East Pakistan and creation of a sovereign and independent Bangladesh.

With an aim to recognise the courage, valour and sacrifices of Indian Armed Forces cultural events, games and motivational lecturers by locals were organised at various places in Kupwara.

At Batergam Chowk, event was celebrated in an amusing cultural way, promoting the rich heritage of Kashmir and creating enabling environment for the local theatre artists to reach a wider audience through their songs, dance and dramatics. In the event local singers mesmerised the audience with their enthralling performances. Local sensations Sahad Ah & Bilal Ahmed, Sharda Theatre, kept the audience enchanted. Mr Imam Din, DC Kupwara, Ms Tahira Begum, DDC Qadirabad and Col Swaraj Bhattacharya, CO 160 INF BN (TA) were some of the prominent personalities who attended the event along with locals.

In Kralpura, locals were educated about the importance of victory and sacrifices of Indian Armed Forces. Locals along with important digantaries of locals administration were also present.

In Kalaroos, local speakers educated the people about the valour and courage of Indian Army and highlighted the great work being done by Indian Army for the people of Kashmir. Games for kids were organised during the event and refreshment was arranged for the attendees.

In Chowkibal at Rangwar Village, locals were made aware about the indomitable spirit of India a
Army with which it fought and won 1971 war. Everyone celebrated the occasion with cheerful smiles and joy. Troops also interacted with the locals and learnt about their problems which they are facing in this harsh winters. The event culminated with ‘Tea with troops’.

Huge participation by locals at all the places during celebration was the testimony of the great bond of love and trust between Indian Army and people of Kupwara. Taking cue from the nation’s biggest ever military and political victory, local leaders also stressed upon the importance of unity and brotherhood and pledged to eradicate the menaces of terrorism and drugs that has been infused in this integral part of the nation by the oppressive neighbouring regime. Together, we fought and defeated the oppressive forces in 1971 we can do it again.

The aim was to spread the message of unity, nationalism and pride among people in general and Armed Forces in particular, in addition to showing respect to the veterans who participated in the war.


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