Syed Imtiyaz


As part of the nationwide vaccination drive against covid 19, Kupwara Terriers
(Indian Army) in collaboration with Kupwara civil health department who provided the vaccines, organized a vaccination drive at Rishiwari & Manwan which are remote villages of Awoora D.

The vaccination drive was successfully carried out with 50 beneficiaries from Rishiwari and Manwan receiving vaccines today (48 received 1st dose and 02 received 2nd dose).

Local residents cooperated and participated in the process and no side effects were reported.

The army doctor also educated the villagers about precautions and safety
measures to keep themselves and family members safe from this deadly virus.

Indian Army is always in the forefront of conducting such initiatives with aim to reach out to the local community in the remote areas near Loc and ensure they also benefit during difficult times like these.


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