DEO B’la kicks off the event from the majestic Afarwat Peak

Inayat Qayoom

GULMARG, APRIL 02: With an aim to enhance public participation in the upcoming General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2024, the District Election Officer (DEO) Baramulla, Minga Sherpa today kick started a mega Voter Awareness programme under Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) initiative at the International tourist destination Gulmarg.

The DEO kick-started the proceedings of the event at the majestic Afarwat Peak, standing at 14,500 feet above the sea level, where hundreds of tourists visiting from across India captured memorable selfies at the SVEEP selfie stand set up by the District Administration Baramulla Minga Sherpa interacted with the tourists and took selfies with them at the SVEEP selfie stand while encouraging them to participate in the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections 2024.

As part of the campaign, a vibrant snow bike and ski rally was held which was flagged-off by Minga Sherpa from the Kongdori Ski-Point, to encourage youth especially first time voters to participate in the electoral process.

Youth from across the Baramulla district participated in the rally which culminated near the Gondola Phase-I.At the Kongdori, the DEO visited the state of art Mock Igloo Polling Station constructed by the youth services department with a theme “Vote for democracy” under SVEEP initiative.

The election officials demonstrated to the visiting tourists the process of seamless use of the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) at the polling centre, thereby empowering them to effectively participate in the democratic process.

Speaking during the event, Minga Sherpa said that the primary objective behind organizing such events is to enhance voter awareness and boost the public participation in the electoral process in the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections of 2024.

The DEO further emphasized the importance of every citizen’s active involvement in the democratic process, underlining that a well-informed electorate is fundamental to ensuring a vibrant and representative democracy.Nodal Officer SVEEP, Sapna Kotwal emphasized the role of SVEEP in educating people about the electoral process and entrusted the media to give wide publicity to such events for the wholesome voter awareness.

Later, a vibrant cultural programme was organized under SVEEP at the Club Park Gulmarg, where students from different schools and other artists showcased their performances and participated in the painting competition focusing on voter awareness.


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