Qayoom wani thanks to principal secretary education, Special secretary education,Both directors of jammu and kashmir and Nodel officer HRM cell and team of officials for this historical decision.
In a press statement chairman jammu kashmir civil society forum, chief patron jammu kashmir school education retired and in-service officers and Former president ejac Ab Qayoom wani expressed his gratitude and thanks to principal secretary education jenab Alok Kumar ,sp secretary education jenab Naseer Ahmad Wani, Director school education kashmir jenab Tasaduq sahib
, Director education jammu , Nodel officer HRM cell Gh Mohidin sahib ,his team and all the officers of education department for resolving the chronic issue of incharge headmasters and officers of the education department which was pending since a decade .wani said that this was all due to the personal intrest taken by these officials under the control of worthy principal secretary education and by the hard work and support given by the office bearers of jammu kashmir school education retired and in-service officers association of all the three regions of jammu kashmir and ladkh.By resolving this issue more than four thousand incharge officers will get a sigh of relief who were moving from pillar to post for the last ten years .wani said this decision will benifit the families of dead officials who could not get it in their life due to official apathy .wani said that I am personally indebited to all the officers for their support and personal intrest in resolving this issue.wani also hoped that minutes of the meeting will be issued very soon .wani also appreciated and thanked the incharge officers and office bearers of JKSEOA for their support and encouragement to me which they provided me at every lavel.Wani urged upon the cadre of officials to remain united and stead fast to resolve any other issues if arise after this decision.wani also assured the officials for unconditional support at every lavel to fight against injustice .wani also thanked the leaders of Jammu and Kashmir Civil society forum for their moral and logestic support to incharge headmasters and officers of the education department .