Uri:29 October 2024,

Member Legislative Assembly (MLA) Uri , Dr Sajjad Shafi Uri today convened a meeting at Officer Club Uri to take comprehensive review of the functioning of different departments and take-first hand appraisal of different developmental works being executed under different sectors in the Uri constituency of District Baramulla.

During the meeting, works related to Health, PDD, R&B, PHE, Food,NHPC,BRO, Forest,Transport, Social welfare and various other departments and sectors were reviewed threadbare.

On the occasion, SDM uri, Javid Ahmad Rather briefed the meeting about various developmental works undertaken in the constituency.

MLA also took the assessment of the stock position of essentials for winters for remote areas of Uri Constituency.

He took first hand appraisal of the functioning of the Social welfare department and reviewed the progress under different schemes including the Old age pension scheme, Widow assistance scheme and Marriage assistance scheme.

Dr Sajjad Shafi Uri impressed upon the officers to work in a mission mode so that people are provided with the best facilities. He urged them to do their best in providing services to the citizens.He stressed upon the concerned to redouble their efforts for achieving their physical as well as financial targets and to ensure that people do not face any inconvenience and he said after Assembly session i will take separate review meeting of every Department.

DDC Boniyar Mohammad Ismail Khan and all concern officers were present in the review meeting.


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