Reyaz Rashid

Mother-(Mouj) is such a word that keeps life going on. It needs a life to describe relationship, devotion and emotions with one’s mother but a million dollar question remain unanswered that why many things are being build and done in the name of mother only after her death.And when a child does something in the name of mother after her demise he or she wishes if his/her mother would have been alive today to see all this but the soul of slain mother while wailing replies ‘Oh my beloved, had you done such things in my presence I would have been happiest mother in the world but alas! You remembered me after I am no more.”It needs no philosophical mindset to comprehend relationship of parents and children but one has to become both to understand its chemistry. One can tolerate the toughest tragedies but can’t bare a normal pain of a child.The first place among the blood relatives is reserved for parents. No one among the relatives equals them in the status given to them by Allah. Allah in Quran says one should be grateful of Him and his parents for they (parents) bare hardships in upbringing of their children.And your Lord has ordained that you do not worship anyone except Him, and treat your parents with kindness; if either of them or both reach old age in your presence, do not say “Uff” to them and do not rebuff them, and speak to them with the utmost respect. And lower your wing humbly for them, with mercy, and pray, “My Lord! Have mercy on them both, the way they nursed me when I was young.” (17:23-24)And We ordained upon man concerning his parents; his mother bore him enduring weakness upon weakness, and his suckling is up to two years – therefore be thankful to Me and to your parents; finally towards Me is the return. (31:14)And We have commanded man to be good towards parents; his mother bore him with hardship, and delivered him with hardship; and carrying him and weaning him is for thirty months; until when he reached maturity and became forty years of age, he said, “My Lord! Inspire me to be thankful for the favours you bestowed upon me and my parents, and that I may perform the deeds pleasing to You, and keep merit among my offspring; I have inclined towards you and I am a Muslim (46:15)It has been said that heaven is for the obedient child and hell for disobedient indeed. But despite the fact son wanders with wife to enjoy life but mother keep wailing. Mother is dying death of an autumn leaf. Mother is still dejected and desperate. She still feels ignored and wails inside the four walls calling her child.An ailing mother still pleads folded handedly for medicine before a son. Mother still fights in courts seeking justices and protection. Mother still longs for disappeared sons and husbands.It has been said that mother has been weeping for her children starve but they (mothers) continue to weep for their children keep them starving.

The content is transcript of a tribute to mother in Kashmiri language by a young noted writer and artist Taseer Afzal of Delina Barmaulla .


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