Nitish Rajora, assumed the charg of Director Information here today.
After assuming the charge, the Director held a brief introductory meeting with the officers and officials of the department. He had an overview of working of each section of the department from the concerned officers. He expressed hope that all the employees would deliver their assigned services with utmost efficacy and proficiency while assuring complete support to them regarding their issues and concerns.
He emphasised the need for further streamlining the social media platforms with the advanced technological innovations keeping pace with the emerging media trends.

The Director highlighted the significance of timely dissemination of accurate and objective information to the public, fostering transparency and enhancing communication channels between the government and the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir.
The officers, present on the occasion, reaffirmed their commitment towards performing their assigned tasks with added zeal and zest.
Joint Director Headquarters, Vivek Puri, Deputy Director PR/AV, Deepak Dubey, Deputy Director Central, Sunil Kumar and other senior officers and officials were present.(KNS)

present on the occasion, reaffirmed their commitment towards performing their assigned tasks with added zeal and zest.

Joint Director Headquarters, Vivek Puri, Deputy Director PR/AV, Deepak Dubey, Deputy Director Central, Sunil Kumar and other senior officers and officials were present.


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