Faizan Wani

Srinagar, December 20 :

Jammu and Kashmir’s top mainstream leaders including Omar Abdullah, Mehbooba Mufti and Sajad Gani Lone have termed the recommendations made by the delimitation commission as unacceptable.

In a tweet, former Chief Minister and NC vice-president Omar Abdullah said “it is deeply disappointing that the commission appears to have allowed the political agenda of the BJP to dictate its recommendations rather than the data.

“The draft recommendation of the J&K delimitation commission is unacceptable. The distribution of newly created assembly constituencies with 6 going to Jammu & only 1 to Kashmir is not justified by the data of the 2011,” Omar tweeted.

As per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), former CM and PDP president Mehbooba Mufti said the commission has been created simply to serve BJPs political interests by dividing people along religious & regional lines.

“My apprehensions about the Delimitation Commission werent misplaced. They want to pitch people against each other by ignoring the population census & proposing 6 seats for one region & only one for Kashmir,” she tweeted.

Peoples Conference Chief Sajad Gani Lone said the proposal reeks of a bias and is shock for those who believe in democracy.

“The recommendations of the delimitation commission are totally unacceptable. They reek of bias. What a shock for those who believe in democracy,” Lone tweeted—(KNO)


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