‘Govt introduces many schemes to wean away youth from militancy; Against 34707 sanctioned strength of SPOs; 32,355 appointed so far; Village Defence Group scheme notified, revised in Aug 2022, 4153 VDGs constituted; Rs 5.4 lakh financial assistance being given to 5764 West Pak Refugee families’

Srinagar, Oct 09 :

Stating that the ongoing militancy in Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory was linked with the infiltration of terrorists from across Line of Control (LoC) and International border, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) Monday said a multi-pronged approach has been adopted to contain infiltration.

As per the official report of MHA for year 2022-23, UT of Jammu & Kashmir has been affected by terrorist and secessionist violence, sponsored and supported from across the border, for about three decades. “The ongoing militancy in the UT of Jammu & Kashmir is linked with infiltration of terrorists from across the border both from the International Border as well as the Line of Control in the UT of J&K,” the report read, as per news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO). As per the MHA report, the year 2017 saw 419 infiltration attempts while 328 were recorded in 2018. “In 2019, 216 attempts of infiltration were recorded and in 2020, 99 infiltration bids were registered. In 2021, 77 infiltration attempts were recorded and in 2022, 53 infiltration bids were registered,” the report reads, adding that the net estimated infiltration in 2017 was 136, and 143 in 2018.

“In 2019, the net infiltration was 141 and in 2020, it was 51. In 2021, the net estimated infiltration was 34 and in 2022, it was 14,” the report added.

The report said that in the year 2022, 187 terrorists were killed while 125 terrorist initiated incidents were recorded. “The year 2022 saw 117 encounters and the killing of 32 security forces personnel while 31 civilians were also killed,” the report said.

The report said that Government of India in tandem with the UT of Jammu & Kashmir, has adopted a “multi-pronged approach” to contain cross border infiltration, which includes strengthening of the border infrastructure, multi-tiered deployment along the International Border / Line of Control, and near the ever changing infiltration routes, construction/ maintenance of border fencing, construction of culverts/bridges on nallahs, improved technology, weapons and equipment for Security Forces, improved intelligence and operational coordination, installation of border floodlights on the International Border and synergizing intelligence flow to check infiltration and proactive action against terrorists within the UT of J&K.

“The Government has also adopted various counter measures to neutralise the efforts and capabilities of militants disturbing peace in the UT of J&K. The Government has also encouraged policies to mainstream the youth by providing employment opportunities to wean them away from militancy,” the report said, adding that “The endeavour of the Government has been to proactively take suitable measures by all the Security Forces to safeguard the borders from cross-border terrorism and to contain militancy and to ensure that the democratic process is sustained and primacy of civil administration is restored to effectively tackle the socio-economic problems of the people on account of the effects of prolonged militancy in UT of J&K.”

The MHA report said the GoI’s counter measures also include to ensure a sustained peace process and to provide adequate opportunities to all sections of people in the UT of J&K who eschew violence to effectively represent their view points and to redress their genuine grievances.

The report, as per KNO, further states that in UT of Jammu and Kashmir, the institution of Special Police Officers (SPOs) was started from 1995. “The basic concept of creation of SPOs was to provide auxiliary help to law enforcing agencies in the drive against 201 terrorism and involve the local population for their own protection as well as to help the J&K Police and Paramilitary Forces in curbing the menace of militancy,” it read, “They are led and guided by the J&K Police in various assignments entrusted to them. At present, sanctioned strength of SPOs is 34,707; of which 32,355 SPOs are appointed. The remuneration of SPOs of J&K Police has been enhanced upto 18000/- per month in the following manner— SPOs having experience less than 3 years- 6000/- per month, SPOs having experience more than 3 years and less than 5 years- 9000/- per month, SPOs having experience more than 5 years and less than 10 years- 12000/- per month and SPOs having experience more than 10 years and less than 15 years- Rs 15000/- per month.”

The report said that SPOs having experience more than 15 years are getting Rs 18000- per month.

It also said that in view of the security scenario, the Village Defence Group scheme was notified by the Government of J&K in 1995. “Now, the scheme has been revised and notified on 14.08.2022. The members of the Village Defence Group are designated as Village Defence Guard. At present, the sanctioned strength of Village Defence Group is 4,985, of which 4,153 Village Defence Group have been constituted,” the report said. It added that a financial assistance of Rs 5.5 lakh per family is being disbursed by the Government of India for 5,764 families of West Pakistan Refugees (WPRs) who migrated from several areas of West Pakistan in the aftermath of the partition and settled in different parts of Jammu region. Since inception of the scheme in the year 2018, a total amount of 38.28 crore has been disbursed to 1035 beneficiaries so far, the report said—(KNO)


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