‘Those in need of dental issues, Arthritis, non-emergency issues should seek online consultation from doctors; Hospitals, its premises major source of infections; Omicron spreading fast, OPD not closed, but only patients with emergency issues to be treated’


Nasir Azam

Srinagar, January 13 :

Amid sudden spurt in the Covid positive cases across Kashmir with Omicron also casting its net, the Divisional Administration Thursday urged people to avoid visiting hospital for general ailments stating that hospitals and its premises are major source of infections.

In an exclusive chat with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, P K Pole said that patients in need of non-Covid health treatment should avoid visiting hospitals and instead seek online consultations from doctors. “This is advised because of the fact that hospitals are major source of infections and where people assemble in large numbers,” Pole said, adding that given the fact that Covid cases are showing upward trend and Omicron is spreading fast, people must stay home and not visit hospitals for ailments like dental issues, joint pain, and non-emergency health related issues.

“But those in need of emergency support and with Covid and Omicron symptoms must report to hospitals after proper testing,” he said. The Divisional Commissioner said that it is not like OPD’s will be closed but people should themselves avoid visiting OPD’s for general line ailments and leave OPD’s for emergency services only.

Earlier, Divisional Commissioner had told KNO that people must impose self-restrictions to prevent spread of Covid and Omicron variant cases by avoiding unnecessary travel, mingling with people and follow Covid Appropriate Behavior (CAB)—(KNO)


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