Javid para who hails from north kashmir’s pattan town has been awarded the degree of phd in physics by university of kashmir.

Parra, who pursued his phd programme in the department of physics and submitted his thesis titled ” Weather patterns over the Western Himalayas : Study based on Mesoscale Modelling of Western Disturbances ” Under the supervision of prof sheikh javid & Dr nisar ahmad ( Associate professor).

Meanwhile, Director of metrological department sonum lotus congratulates javid para on the award of phd in physics. He said javid is a hard working man on a mission and is worthy of this coveted degree.

Sonum lotus said, his work on ” Mesoscale Modelling of Western Disturbance, extra tropical cyclone” will pave way for others to work on the complex weather and climate pattern of western Himalaya and j&k.

Sonum lotus, wishes him more success and happiness in his life.


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