Asif Lone, District President of People’s Conference has Urged UT administration to release AIP Chief Er. Rasheed, he said ” Now that the novel process of release of the incarcerated mainstream leaders have begun, & leaders ala Sartaj Madni Sb & Nayeem Akhtar Sb have been set-free, for’s ripe-time to release the very eminent, the very popular Engineer Rashid Sb.

He said, the central dispensation, that continues to rule the UT of J&K may heed to the fact that, it’s Engineer Rashid Sb who has play ed a pivotal role in strengthening the democratic processes, & thereby democracy per se, at the grassroot.Therefore, any democratic initiatives having long-term ramifications, must involve & engage a political stalwart ala Engineer Sb.

If anybody deserves respite, it’s a good-man, a kind-heart, a people’s voice,who else but our Engineer Rashid Sb,we sincerely pray for his early release and hope he will be sent free soon he added. – The News Cradle


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