Says committed to safety, security of yatris

Srinagar, July 02 :

Jammu and Kashmir Police on Sunday termed the allegations of lathi charge on Amarnath Yatris as baseless and fabricated.

In a statement issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), a police spokesman said that a video is circulating on social media wherein it is alleged that Police did Lathicharge on yatries.

However, the news is totally fabricated and baseless, he said.

“As per the traffic advisory which has already been issued and shared in public domain, that no yatri, tourist vehicle shall be allowed to move after cut off time (i.e when ROP is withdrawn) and will be accomodated in the nearest designated safe location for the safety and security of the tourists and yatries,” police said.

Police said that when cut off was being implemented, some people blocked the National Highway and insisted upon allowing them to go further.

“Meanwhile, one Ambulance carrying critical patient was stopped by them. They were requested to co-operate and allow the Ambulance. Considering the situation Police cleared the way for an ambulance and saved the life of the patient,” police said.

The spokesman said that some elements having vested interest are trying to malign the image of Police by reporting fake and fabricated news.

“Such news portals will be dealt under law.

As a tradition Police have been welcoming the yatries with open arms and committed for their safety and security and the question of misbehaviour does not arise,” police said—(KNO)


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