Says impose accountability on admin



The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference President Dr. Farooq Abdullah said free press is pivotal for any working democracy as it keeps people informed and imposes accountability.

As per the statement issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), in his message on the International Press Freedom day, Dr Farooq underscored the importance of having a free and vibrant press saying, “No society can think of harvesting the fruits of democracy without securing its press fraternity all the required freedom and dignity. The local press particularly in Kashmir is working under tremendous pressure.”

He further added, “The struggle by embattled journalists and the press fraternity of Kashmir to fight for the rights of the people is commendable. “I take this opportunity to salute the valour of our journalistic community, who notwithstanding curbs and persecution have been rendering their duties with dedication. I take this opportunity to pay my tributes to all those journalists who laid down their lives in the line of duty.”

Dr Farooq said that freedom of the human mind is acknowledged in the right to free speech and free press. “However, it is imperative for the press fraternity to uphold the dignity associated with the profession at any cost,” he said.

Party’s Chief Spokesperson and Communications Head Tanvir Sadiq in his press freedom day message said that government must ensure a working atmosphere free from fear and intimidation for journalists working in J&K—(KNO)


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