Baramulla, November 26:

A function was held today at District Court Complex Baramulla under the Supervision of Principal District and Sessions Judge Baramulla, Mohammad Yousuf Wani to commemorate the ‘Constitution Day’.

During pledge taking ceremony , the Principal District and Sessions Judge Baramulla said that this day motivates us to connect with the spirit of the Constitution and understand our rights and duties as a citizen.

He said that this day motivates us to connect with the spirit of the Constitution and understand our rights and duties as a citizen.

Principal District and Sessions Judge who is also Chairman DLSA Baramulla also said that on this day we have to recall the cherished ideas , goals and aspirations underlying the constitutional provisions to play our role at every levels to press these rich values into service.

Judicial officers, lawyers and advocates, functionaries of district court among other concerned functionaries witnessed their overwhelming participation at the event.


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